Sertifier, a blockchain-based startup that enables the design, distribution, storage and querying of certificates for education and events, has received its first investment.
Sertifier, which enables certificates to be easily designed and distributed to participants in a digital environment, moves the certification processes of organizations to the digital environment, while enabling individuals to store and share their training data in a secure environment. The startup, which makes life easier for organizations with its digital services, aims to become a global big data company where education data is stored securely with the investment it received from Tarvenn.
Secure Storage and Certificate Checking
Offering a comprehensive solution for education companies and digital education platforms, Sertifier offers many advantages for certificate senders as well as certificate holders. Preventing paper certificates from being worn out and lost over time, Sertifier securely stores all certificates on a single platform with blockchain infrastructure. Certificate holders can publish their certificates on their own profiles and share them on social networks such as Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. In addition, thanks to the QR code and serial number placed on each certificate, Sertifier enables the certificates to be queried instantly through the system, while preventing the use of deceptive certificates.
“Our goal is to be number one in the digital certificate field in the world.”
Sertifier co-founders Arda Helvacılar and Bengisu Doğan state that they will continue their expansion in the international market with the support of Tarvenn. Bengisu Doğan said, ‘We are very confident in ourselves and our team. We pioneered smart certificates in Turkey. In a short period of time, we have sent more than 25 thousand certificates in 11 countries and gained 68 corporate customers. With Tarvenn’s experience and support, we want to increase the number of these countries and become a Big Data company that securely offers the education data of millions of people.
Arda Helvacılar, co-founder of Sertifier, states that they make life easier for small and medium-sized education companies with the digital solution they offer and emphasizes that they easily integrate into the existing infrastructures of large institutions with the API services they have developed. Helvacılar; ‘Sertifier has a more successful design and usage interface compared to its competitors. With our corporate solution, we can meet all certification needs of companies with thousands of employees. Our goal is to be number one in the world in the field of digital smart certificates by using these advantages correctly.
“We want to reach 55 countries by the end of the year.”
Mustafa Kopuk, General Manager of Tarvenn Ventures, stated that digitalization in the education sector is increasing day by day and Sertifier offers a great convenience for institutions. Mustafa Kopuk said, ‘The education sector is digitalizing all over the world and the importance of educational technologies, EdTech initiatives, is increasing. Sertifier facilitates certification processes for institutions and provides a solution to an important deficiency in the sector with its verification and sharing features. We want to achieve rapid growth in the global market and reach 55 countries by the end of the year’.